Artificial Intelligence NEWS

AI Saves UAE Workers 4.5 hours Per Week, Freshworks Study


Data analysis, content creation, text and audio translation, and writing and creating code are among the top 5 use cases for AI in the country.

According to a new Freshworks report for which 7,000 employees were surveyed from 13 countries globally, the UAE demonstrated its global leadership in terms of both AI knowledgeability as well as usage levels alongside India. The study found that the majority (84%) of UAE workers are comfortable using software applications enhanced with AI, while a 7 out of 10 consider themselves knowledgeable or experts on AI.

With 80% of UAE workers trusting workplace AI software to bring value to their work processes, it isn’t surprising to see that most are also using AI enabled software in their day-to-day work. A considerable proportion of UAE workers (29%) report using software applications enhanced with AI on a daily basis while an impressive 81% using it at least once a week. The study found that the use of AI powered software now saves UAE workers 4 hours and 32 minutes per week, an amount of time that is nearly 20% more than the global average of 3 hours and 47 minutes.

“It is encouraging to see the UAE’s global leadership in AI maturity. It is a testament to the efforts of the government and the AI ministry’s push to embrace technology. The nation’s workers are clearly skilled in its use, and organisations must now ensure they invest in empowering them with AI-enabled tools. This will not only yield further productivity and quality gains, but will no doubt be critical in attracting and retaining top talent. Ultimately, the ongoing enhancement of business with the aid of AI has the potential to deliver more fulfilling work, while also advancing the government’s strategy for building a knowledge-driven economy,” said Sandie Overtveld, Senior Vice President – APJ & MEA, Freshworks. 

The fact that the UAE is home to individuals of over 200 nationalities, offers a likely explanation for why the third most popular use of AI was for the analysis or translation of text and audio. Also among the top 5 use cases for AI enabled software in the UAE were writing and creating code, and research and brainstorming.

Offering insight into the types of AI tools that employees in the country utilise, the Freshworks report showed that just over half (51%) use free online AI software. This raises data privacy concerns as an often-overlooked aspect of utilising tools such as ChatGPT is the potential for sensitive company information to be inadvertently exposed to unauthorised third-party service providers. It appears that UAE organisations are not only aware but acting to address these risks. Nearly half (47%) of respondents stated that their company already pays for AI software.

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